seo to drive website traffic

Which SEO techniques should you use in your business blog?

Search engine optimisation makes your business blog more visible and accessible to your intended audience by pushing you up through the search engine rankings. But which SEO techniques make the most impact?

Before we identify some of the essential SEO methods to use in your blog posts, let’s look at why you need to use search engine optimisation in the first place.

Why use search engine optimisation in your business blog?

With so many people searching the internet for answers, advice, products, and services, you need to make an impact to stand out above your competitors.

When SEO is implemented correctly your business blog is more easily found in the vast sea of online information, and becomes accessible to customers around the world.… Read more

Boost your productivity

Boost your productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

Making the most of your time can be notoriously difficult when you’re blogging for your business – particularly when you work from home. Distractions are all around and before you know it the day is over, along with your chances of making a decent profit. So how can you boost your productivity simply and easily when you’re trying to make a business blog work?

There’s a time management technique that’s been around since the 1980s. The Pomodoro Technique is a process whereby you allocate 25-minute blocks of time to a piece of work (25 minutes is traditionally one pomodoro), and take a 5-minute break after each one.… Read more

Wooden tiles with plan written

Why you need a content calendar for your business blog

When you blog regularly for your business you benefit from improved search engine rankings and brand awareness. Without a content calendar to support your efforts, however, you risk missing out on some of the commercial benefits of blogging for business.

A content calendar helps you plan and develop your blog with purpose and intent. It brings clarity to the process, allowing you to get ahead with your blogging. As a result, you can keep an eye on the titles and topics that work, and identify those that don’t.

So what exactly is a content calendar, and how does it improve results when you’re blogging for your business?Read more

The word blog spelled out

Blogging for Your Business: 3 Important Benefits of Regular Blogging

According to research by inbound marketing experts, HubSpot, “marketers who prioritise blogging efforts are 13x more likely to see positive ROI.”

So if you aren’t already blogging for your business, can you afford to ignore this tried-and-tested content marketing strategy any longer?

Whether you’ve never considered blogging before, or are a blogging convert but don’t have the time to develop a proper strategy, here are just three of the many benefits of blogging for business owners.

1.    Develop a loyal customer base by blogging regularly

Customer expectations written on a blackboard

A key aim of blogging for business is to connect with existing and potential customers, and build a loyal following for the long-term.… Read more

micro business

Micro business owners – Are you missing a huge opportunity to engage your target market?

A well-designed website can make the difference between success and failure for any business, but particularly so for micro businesses. It’s vital for your marketing even if you only trade locally or have built a reputation by word-of-mouth.

If it’s well optimised for the search engines, regularly updated with great content, and also set up for mobile devices, your website will attract a regular stream of targeted visitors ready to be converted into customers.

With more and more internet searches carried out on mobile devices these days, by not showing up in the results you’re missing out on sales and a huge opportunity to engage with your target market.… Read more

Writing web copy

Writing Your Own Website Copy? It Pays to be Minimalist

Many small business owners write their own website copy and do a great job, but it can be very tempting to use too many words to get the message across. These then have to compete for the reader’s attention with videos, buttons, pop-ups and adverts.

It doesn’t matter how many bells and whistles you have on your website, it’s the words that carry visitors past the initial ‘wow factor’ and on to the process of buying. These words need to be concise.

Think like a minimalist

Website writing

The best way to engage visitors is to lead them through your site with simple, concise writing – you stand a better chance of retaining their interest and converting them from visitor to customer.… Read more